- Felipe: wants to focus on the process to find funds through fundraising (not just grants)
- Chris: create coalitions and funding opertunities Unis etc. , also AI for grants
- Mikej: alternative fundraising strategies away from grants, crowdfunding (dispora focused), loan funding of projects (cornernstorns to projects to qualify), likes ai, was invovled in grant proposal noticed more and more use ai.
- Fadia: Loan funding is super interresting to a venture capital firm in her network as well as for herself.
- Kersti: Alternative funding is very interresting to her, wants to build on the former project to assure that there is no knowledge lost and how we might continue with them. Wants to use the group to create a bottum up approach to fundraising (how can we empower the gig community with the knowledge that we have prensent), how can gig become a grant provider
The notion page
- nobody seems interrested in populating the notion page to pool knowledge and expertise ( Georg - why?)
- Felipe: not comfortable sharing past applications
- Adriana streamline to find the right funds using AI
- ADriano
Writers Club:
- Fadia - yes meet every month in betwen fundraising call
- Felipe - share successes and failures, fundraising management
- Chris - wants to join writers club , formate share for 10 minuts pain point and then q&A and then everyone in the group goes into teams and works for 40 mins on the solution/possible contribution
- Felipe - wants to take part
- Chris - wants to start colaborating (Horizon and Bauhaus calls)
- Adriano - checks notion ai if it automatically can analyse links to populate the upcoming